Judy Liersch


My Favorite Book:
“Olive Again,” by Elizabeth Strout

Why I Serve:
The FIRST thing I do when I land in a new place to live is locate the nearest public library branch and get myself a library card! Hearing about the work of the Library Foundation, it was absolutely NO stretch to want to get involved to support the libraries.


Judy Liersch is retired after a checkered career. She worked with early computers at IBM, Wall Street and later, with Time Inc. working in publishing applications in New York. She attended night-school to achieve her Master of Science in computer science, with a second-grade teaching gig in Kobe, Japan, and held a job as a researcher with Time Canada in Montreal in between. She received her M.B.A. at Stanford before working in program management for the federal government in Washington, D.C. for seven years. She then did 12 years of the same at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. She was born and raised in Montreal.


Tim Jaeger


Victor Romano